Dems and Big Tech Continue to Silence Conservative Voices

Gmail / Stock Catalog / Flickr / April 27, 2018 / CC BY 2.0

The dems and Big Tech companies are constantly working to silence our conservative opinion. They never give us a fair chance… making sure they always have the upper hand.

The liberal media uses tactics like this to reshape public perception. We’ve seen how:

  • Youtube silenced two right-winged channels
  • Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube banned President Trump’s accounts
  • Youtube removed the visibility of the number of dislikes

Even after Elon Musk bought Twitter, the leftists are still determined to censor our patriots.

Data Shows Big Tech Censored Criticisms Against Biden 

Last April, the Media Research Center – a media watchdog group – reported that more than 600 negative comments on Biden were censored on Big Tech platforms in two years. 

People who criticized Biden on social media had their comments restricted. The study period was from March 10, 2020  to March 10, 2022… which includes the time Biden was running for president.

These twisted liberals have been fooling us for a long time. It’s sad that many Americans don’t see the problem with censorship and how it goes against our constitution. We do not deserve any of these.

Republicans Hit Google with FEC Complaint

A few weeks ago, our patriots called the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to investigate Google’s alleged censorship of conservatives on Gmail a few weeks ago. A study showed that more than two-thirds of messages from conservative candidates were tagged as spam… while the opposite occurred for liberal candidates.

The chairman of the three big conservative organizations filed a joint complaint:

  • The Republican National Committee (RNC)
  • National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)
  • National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC)

They believe that tech companies are unfairly shaping the political playing field. They said,  “As midterm elections approach, we are formally calling on the FEC to investigate the extent and intentionality of Google’s censorship of Republican fundraising efforts. This is a financially devastating example of Silicon Valley tech companies unfairly shaping the political playing field to benefit their preferred far-left candidates.”

No wonder some Americans were wondering that there were a lot of emails in their spam folder. Maybe Elon Musk needs to purchase Google too….

President Trump’s New Social Media Platform: Truth Social

President Trump’s social media company – Truth Social – is doing well in the app store. It’s currently number one for free apps. Trump also affirmed that he would not rely solely upon big tech for survival.

CEO of Truth Social, Devin Nunez shared his thoughts during an interview on Fox News. He said that the purpose of this company is to give America its voice back. Nunez said, “This is something that the big tech tyrants never wanted to happen. President Trump’s goal was to give the American people their voice back. That’s what we’ve done, and there’s no big tech tyrant that can take us down.”

Nunez also guaranteed that they would protect users from getting censored and canceled. He said, “We’re going to protect our users from this new phony government. They’re not going to be canceled, and they’re not going to be censored for political speech.”

He also said that Truth Social will be available on Android after some time. Nunez added, “We’re on the App Store, and we’re number one most of the week. Hopefully, we’ll be on the Google Play Store for Android.” 

The liberals are doing everything they can to silence our conservative opinion. We’re fortunate to have Republican leaders who understand we deserve our free speech. Hopefully, we can express ourselves again without the leftists blocking our freedom.

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